Do any delivery charges apply on shopping online?
In line with our dedication to customer service, all advance payments will qualify for complimentary shipping. However, a nominal fee of Rs. 50 will be applicable for Cash-on-Delivery orders.
How long does the delivery take?
Our orders are safely dispatched from our warehouse within 3-4 days. This is subject to change based on current affairs and how they'd affect our delivery partners.
Where can I track my order?
You can easily track your order status from the Track Order Page easily.
How do I return my order
Certainly, you are eligible to initiate a return within a 3-day period from the date of delivery. We will only accept returned orders if they are in new condition and come in their original packaging. You will recieve a refund of the same amount as of the product within 1-2 Business days.
What payment options do you offer?
We offer UPI wallets, Net Banking, Credit cards, Debit cards and Cash On Delivery.
Do you allow customization of phone case covers?
Yes, we do absolutely allow customization, however for that you will have to contact us via our Socials and get in touch with a representative.
Is delivery possible in pan India?
Yes, our delivery partners delivery pan India. We will also very soon allow international deliveries.
How do I contact your support team for queries?
You can visit our Contact page for more information on this.